Living in Miramar Beach [why This Miramar Beach is Quickly Becoming a Top Favorite

by Timothy Whittemore

Living in Miramar Beach [why This Miramar Beach is Quickly Becoming a Top Favorite

So, you're thinking about moving out to the Miramar Beach area, and you're wondering, why has this become such a top favorite for people to move to? On this video, we're going to go over the top things that you need to know and consider, why everybody else is moving out to this area? So, stick around.

Okay. So, let's kind of talk about, where is Miramar Beach? If you haven't been to it, it's on the eastern side of Destin, and it's right before it hits our 30A area or Santa Rosa Beach if you're looking on Google Maps. The population isn't all that big, it's only 8,356. Now, I know that's relative depending upon where you're moving from, but, you know. What is Miramar best known for? Well, it's a thing to do, you know, what drives the tourism over here? They've got beautiful, beautiful beaches here and just a great community, a great local community as well. So, some key things why people are coming here, well, great shopping. You have tons of different shopping all throughout this area to include the Outlet Malls, which is a big attraction, something to go out and get for yourself or somebody else. And, you've got small boutique shops all throughout here to really meet your needs for some really great shopping. Not only that, but you also have great food for all budgets. It's very interesting as you go out through here. Because everything just seems a little bit more, I don't know, upper class, a little bit more affluent. You'll go through and go to a place like a burger place, like five guys that we have here, and it's all whitewashed on the outside. They're like, what's going on here? Like, this is the nicest one I've ever been to. So, depending if you're looking for that or something high end on overlooking the water, you've got all sorts of different and great eateries all throughout Miramar Beach. You're also going to really enjoy the relaxed beach community. That's just what it is around here. And, I'll just give you an example. As a real estate agent, especially working in New York, and I was just recently in Ohio, a lot of people, when they do business and service these type of properties that are half a million, million plus, you know, even as a guy would be dressed up in a nice suit. But here, going out and interacting with them, literally be in a polo and shorts and flip flops. I know a guy that does it. And nobody seems to care, that's the normal out here. That's just in a professional way but all throughout here, you're just going to kind of feel that relaxed beach atmosphere as you go out through your day to day activities. Now, there are lots of private and gated communities also in here. So, if you want to get a little bit away from the riffraff, just kidding. We're trying to get away from some of the tourism. You can get into some of these private communities that are gated. So, you won't have a lot of the tourists in there, and you can still kind of enjoy your day to day life living in Miramar Beach. Now, tourism is huge, we all know that. Right? And, because of that, it's really great for business and it creates jobs. It creates lots of jobs for all different things besides the shopping and retail. I mean, there's tons of that. But there are plenty of other jobs because there's a lot of people coming in. Definitely seasonal jobs as well. And, because of that, it kind of attracts a more affluent crowd. And it's one of those things, if that's what you're looking for, if you're looking to start a business or something like that, that you can cater to over time and really kind of cash in on that.

Now, one other thing that I want to mention, It's not all positive here, but traffic can be tough. If you watch some of my other videos, it's terrible sometimes. It's just because the infrastructure, the way that things are built, especially in the Destin area on Highway 98, there's just not a lot of ways around things. So, you have to like, go up and around, like, 45 minutes out of the way to get to the same destination because we have big bodies of water. Right? So, traffic can be tough. And since I've lived in this area almost ten years now, it seems like there's always just some sort of traffic and construction on that Highway 98 stretch. I think they're trying to take it out to three lanes wide. We'll, hopefully see if that helps things. One thing that's really good though is once you kind of figure out the area, there's ways to get around things. So, if you got to take the kids to school or something like that, you can find ways to get around and not necessarily get on Highway 98 to get to where you need to go.

One other great thing is, well, the nightlife. The nightlife is awesome out here. Whether you're going to stay in Miramar or shoot over to Destin. There's plenty of things to do if you want to go out and get some wine, get some drinks, some delicious libations. Or, if you just want to kind of go out and listen to some live music, there's tons of stuff all over the place. And, it's pretty much year round where you're going to see some really good nightlife and some great places to go.

Now, one thing for certain, is that there's very little safety issues in this area. And what I mean by that is, we've looked up all the data, and we haven't found anything that allows us to really see what sort of crimes or anything like that. There's just not enough data to pull for them to even rank this area. That's kind of indicating to us that it's a very very safe area. Now living here, we know that already. But as we're trying to find supporting data for this, it's there really wasn't much out there for us to be able to tell you. So, as locals, as people that have lived in that area, it's a very very safe area, not a whole lot of issues when it comes to that.

Now, another big reason that opposed to this area, it's our affordable area of 30A. And what I mean by that is, if you haven't been down old scenic highway 30A, down there, we have Grayton beach, Seaside, all those really, really ritzy towns. And, those just starting getting in there maybe 1.2 million for a single family home. And you're like, wow, that must be really nice. No, it's just run out of the mill at that price. Okay? Very, very affluent crowd in there and just beautiful. The architecture throughout there, Miramar kind of takes part of that. But, you're within close enough proximity where it's kind of half the price of which you're going to pay for 30A, but you're in pretty good proximity to those areas.

So, that being said, that's why Miramar Beach seems to be the most desirable and the most affordable with good proximity to that. Not only that, but you also have Destin, and Destin is the destination place. So, if you want to go out for some things for the kids, for yourself, for some good restaurants, everything. Even us locals here, we go to Destin to do pretty much everything that we want to do. So, you have all the amenities of Destin out there and you're in close proximity to that area, and just a great community feel. These are some of the top reasons why it's becoming a top favorite for people to move to.

So, that is all that I have for you for the, living in Miramar Beach, why Miramar Beach is quickly becoming our top favorite here. If you have any questions about anything I mentioned, please feel free to call/text us at 850.320.7757 or email us at



Tim Whittemore

Team Lead | License ID: SL3354763

+1(850) 204-4416
