Living in Crestview Will Be Hell Unless You Can Handle These 10 Facts

by Timothy Whittemore

Living in Crestview Will Be Hell Unless You Can Handle These 10 Facts

Are you getting ready to relocate to Florida, but more specifically, Crestview, Florida, and you're wondering what life would be like to actually live in Crestview? Well today, I am going to let you know how living in Crestview will be hell unless you can handle these ten facts. So, stick around.

Alright. So, how living in Crestview would be hell unless you can handle some of these little facts I'm about to give you:

1. Growing Market

This is a growing market, especially here in the Crestview, Florida area. It's near the military bases, so we have a lot of families coming and going. There's a lot of people that are listing their homes for sale because they would have to relocate or PCS out their military. And, there's a lot of people that are looking to buy homes in the area because they have new jobs or they got military orders to come here to the area. But, whatever those families case may be, there's just a lot of coming and going in this specific area. But, Crestview is an ideal location if you are looking for a lower price range. You do get great properties with a great size lot for a smaller price in the Crestview area, which makes it ideal for a lot of buyers. Unfortunately, if you're looking to spend quite a bit of time living in Crestview, you may have neighbors that are constantly rotating out. You might have people coming and going. You might form great relationships with your neighbors and unfortunately, they're going to have to eventually relocate because of this this market. You're going to have a lot of people interested in the area that you live in, and you may have to just deal with a lot of people coming and going looking at properties there. Again, you're going to have new neighbors constantly and you might not like that. So, just keep in mind that with this market, there's a lot of families that are purchasing property in the area and you might have your neighbors looking to sell. So unfortunately, if you're looking for a long time friendship with your neighbors, it may or may not be possible in the Crestview area.

2. Further Away From The Beach

The Crestview area is further away from the beach. So, if you just love to spend lots of time on the beach, like maybe several times a week, you're going to have a bit of a drive to get there. You have to think about your commute time if you do have a tighter schedule, but you still want to make time for the beach. The Destin and Fort Walton Beach areas probably about 30-45 minutes drive just depending on the time of day, of course. Maybe even the time of year, if it's the peak season, spring or summertime, it's going to take you a little bit longer to get through the traffic to get to the beach because everybody else wants to get to the beach too. So, even though you are further north away from the gulf, it might not be ideal for you. Again, if you like to go on a regular daily basis or maybe a couple times a week, you're just comfortable about how to drive. And in these days here in 2020, gas prices aren't ideal, so that might be an issue for you having commute back and forth to the beach. But however, it's not that bad, especially again, you're going at an earlier time or later time in the evening to catch maybe the beautiful sunset on the beach. Wouldn't be that bad, just make sure that you plan accordingly especially if you have to be anywhere at a certain time. You want to get through that traffic of everyone heading up highway 85 or getting to and from Crestview.

3. Traffic

Speaking of traffic, let's go ahead and touch on that a little bit more. There's a lot of issues with the traffic going to Crestview in the afternoon and even in the mornings when you're leaving Crestview trying to head back south towards Fort Walton Beach, especially for those that work on Eglin Air Force Base and maybe at Niceville. Just trying to make it through at the same time as everybody else trying to get to work or wherever they need to be at in the morning and in the afternoons. Honestly, I try not to schedule appointments to be somewhere in Crestview, maybe after four o'clock on a weekday because I'll get caught up in that horrendous traffic heading north into Crestview because a lot of people that get off work after three, four, even five o'clock. And there's everyone trying to head up to Crestview at the same time. So, just south of Crestview is when it really starts to back up maybe around the Duke field area. There's people trying to get to, especially in North Crestview. It takes you even longer because you're going to have to pass the interstate to get there too, and a lot of people coming and going off the highway. So, just make sure you plan accordingly and just deal with the traffic. Crestview isn't that big of a town, so there are only just a couple of main roads to get you through. So, just make sure you become familiar with your routes, maybe even find a couple of little side streets if possible to help you maintain your time that you're trying to get through. Make sure you're on time to where you need to be, and hopefully, you'll be able to avoid some of horrible traffic.

4. Interstate 10 Does Cut Through Crestview

Interstate 10 does cut through Crestview, so you'll have a lot of non residents coming and going. So, you might be out going to get something to eat or just running some errands and you're going to see a lot of unfamiliar faces. I know some people aren't really comfortable with that. They don't like to see a lot of stranger danger all over the place. And, just know that if you're living in Crestview, it is kind of a stopping point for travelers. People that are heading to South Florida, or maybe people coming back up heading back home. They just happened to cut through Crestview because there was, you know, traveling on interstate 10. So, Crestview is a great stopping point. I've traveled through in the past too, and it's right off the interstate. You have all your restaurants and little areas where you can just sit and relax, maybe grab some coffee. Just take a quick break before hopping back on the interstate and continue about your route. So, just know that if you are living in Crestview, you're going to see a lot of unfamiliar faces of people coming and going just because they're stopping through off of the interstate.

5. There's not a whole lot of Shopping Stores and Restaurants

You might not like living in Crestview if you enjoy shopping on a regular basis or if you like fine dining, like to try different kinds of foods. There's not a whole lot of that in Crestview as far as, like the big options that you may have. However, Crestview is growing as far as retail, and restaurants. There is the Crestview Commons that is in the works. So hopefully, that'll bring a lot of attention to the area as far as the new store and the restaurants. Don't quite know what they're going to have out there yet, but it's very exciting news that Crestview is getting there a new little outdoor shopping mall for everyone to enjoy. And, it is close to the interstate too. So, again, people that are stopping through will be able to have their chance to check out Crestview Commons. However, again, if you like to shop at big name restaurants or if you like to do some major shopping like name brand stores, you would have to leave Crestview and head to either Destin or Panama not Panama City, Pensacola. Either way, you can you can even get to Pensacola on Interstate 10. Won't take you that long to get there. However, you will have to leave a comfort of your own little home area to be able to enjoy a nice day out shopping or you're fine dining of your choice.

6. Lack of Entertainment

There is lack of entertainment in Crestview from what I understand with the residents out there. Especially those that like to go out to night clubs or go out and listen to live music or even outdoor fun with the family. There's no amusement parks. But I mean, there's other little parks to take your children. There's Twin Hills and there's also a zoo out in Crestview. But, as far as major attraction, you don't really see that in the Crestview area. So again, you would have to travel to either Fort Walton Beach, Destin, or Pensacola, or even head out to Tallahassee. Wherever it is that you want to go as far as spending a day out for a lot of activities. You're not going to find a whole lot of that in the Crestview area.

7. There's not much Oppotunity for big Corporate Job

If you are in a big industry or you have corporate jobs or you're looking for that type of employment, you won't really have that many, that much opportunity in Crestview. But if you're looking for a job, maybe you're just getting started in a certain business. I mean, you're trying to start your business, a restaurant, a little retail store, or a coffee shop. You may do well in Crestview, but however, again, if you're looking for a big corporate job, somewhere higher up in the chain, you might not have that great of opportunity in Crestview. So, if that's a big concern of you or if you're looking especially if you're looking for something new, and community is an issue, you may want to just kind of look into that. Look at the Crestview area where you plan on living in, and look at the employment opportunities that you may have and just check out the distance from that. It might not be your ideal length of time in commutes. So, keep an eye on that especially if you're being forced to move here because of employment, you're being relocated. You definitely want to make sure you find something that works for you.

8. Crestview is more of a Quiet Country Life

So, if you're from a big city and you're used to all the chaos of living in the city, the big buildings, lots of entertainment, lots of places to go, like maybe the city that never sleeps. It's not really like that in the Crestview area, it's a whole another vibe. So, if you have spent most of your life growing up or if you grew up or maybe in your adult life, you have just been able to enjoy your time living in a big city. It's going to be a very different scenario living in Crestview because again, it's more of a country rule type of feel. You may have certain areas where it might seem a little bit more to par to what you're looking for. However, if it's not exactly a big city in Crestview, so if you are more into a big city life, then Crestview definitely will not be right for you.

9. Luxury living wouldn't be an option

Luxury living wouldn't be an option unless you had a home custom built in Crestview. So, those of you that are looking for, like some big nice waterfront property. Of course, you wouldn't find beachfront in Crestview because it is further north of the beach. But if you're looking for the big grand open floor plan type of home, maybe two or three stories, you know, maybe a 3,500 plus square foot with the infinity pool. You know, the swimming pools that look like it's just constantly running. You're not going to really find something like that in Crestview. Again, if you want to find a lot to build on, you might be able to design something that's more custom to what you like as far as luxury living. However, if you just want to look for something that's already built and more your style, you may want to look into the Destin or Miramar Beach or the 30A area.

10. Hot and Humid

Yes, this is a sunshine state. However, it does get very hot and humid here in the Crestview and surrounding areas. So, if you were looking into living somewhere where it is warmer than from where you're used to, where you live up north. You're in for more than what you're probably bargain for because we don't only have the heat, that humidity makes it so much worse. So, even if you look at the temperature in summer or the spring, it can say that it's maybe eighty, eighty five degrees. But, it's going to feel like it's ninety five to a hundred degrees just because of that humidity. So, you can, you know, step outside. Maybe have a cup of coffee or go check your mail and you're just sweating already and you've only been outside for a couple of minutes. So, you just want to be prepared for that. I know, again, this is the sunshine state, but you're going to get a whole lot more than just the sunshine. You're going to come with all that extra humidity that you don't really feel in other states. I know I've been all the way to Washington State and Seattle area back when they had their little heat wave and it was in the 85 to 90 degree range. But, it really wasn't that bad because they didn't have the humidity that we have here in Florida. So, it was still very comfortable. However, if you're not used that type of the humidity, it might be a little uncomfortable living here in the Crestview area.

Well, that's all I have for you today guys. I hope that I was able to give you an information to see what it might be like living in Crestview. If you want to know more, have any questions, please feel free to call/text us at 850.320.7757 or email us at



Tim Whittemore

Team Lead | License ID: SL3354763

+1(850) 204-4416
