Moving to Destin Florida

by Timothy Whittemore

Moving to Destin Florida

Are you getting ready to move to Destin, Florida? Whether it's by pure choice or maybe certain circumstances are bringing you here to the area. Whatever your situation may be, you might be wondering, what are some of the things that you need to know when it comes to moving to Destin, Florida. Maybe you haven't been here in so long or just not familiar with the area at all. Well today, I'm going to talk about a few things that you may need to know when it comes to moving here to Destin, Florida. So, stay tuned.

Alright. So, moving to Destin, Florida.


I will first, if you plan on purchasing property in Destin, make sure that you connect with a realtor first. That just makes the process so much more easier. Especially if you're not familiar with the area, they can kind of give you an idea what area might work best for you and your family based on the information that you give them. What you're wanting, what you're needing, what you want to be close to and especially when it comes to your budget. We want to make sure that your realtor is able to help you find a place that you can actually afford and still live comfortably and provide for your family and and be able to enjoy everything that Destin has to offer. So, make sure that you connect with the realtor and if you need one, we are happy to help you here in the Whittemore group. And, even if you're renting, you decide to rent for a little while or maybe you're not just sure that you're even going to stay in Destin long term. You still want to do the research. You want to check out the areas. Of course, try and find a place that meets your monthly budget. You want to make sure that you're still comfortable even though you're just signing a lease. It could be six months, it could be a year. You still want to be comfortable with where you're living. So, you just want to make sure, even if you need to connect with a realtor at that point, too. You can have them give you some more insight on certain areas and what you can get within your budget to help you, before you actually relocate here. You also want to make sure that you see the property. I know it can be a little tough when you're out of state or live out of town. But you can also just request virtual tour. You want to make sure you lay your eyes on property before you actually sign a contract or sign a lease before you, you know, tie yourself into that property, and it turns out that you're absolutely not happy with it. So make sure, again, just do your research first before moving here. Make sure that you're able to accommodate everything that you need to want and especially everything that your family is going to need to want as well.


Now, also if you're relocating here and you're still employed, you want to make sure that you understand that commute times. You might be doing some research at eleven o'clock at night, and you're just wondering where you know, how much drive time there is between point a to point b. You might plug that in and just think that, oh, that's not bad, it's only going to take me 15 minutes to get to work if I was to live in this neighborhood. However, if you put in the same address and try and see what the distance is and the drive time is, not the distance, but the drive time is from point a to point b. It could actually be different if you're looking during the spring and summertime and looking at maybe twelve o'clock in the afternoon. That drive time, that commute time is probably going to be doubled than when it was when you looked at it at eleven o'clock maybe on a December evening. But, just make sure you understand the different commute times during the different parts of the year, the time of the day. You don't want to have your mindset on this particular neighborhood because it's only going to take you x amount of minutes to drive to work, and that's not exactly the case. And, you might be one that doesn't like to sit a car too long. You don't like the long drives to and from work. Maybe you have poor time management and you're constantly running late. That's why you want to live closer to where your place of business is. So, make sure you understand your actual true drive times when it comes to finding a place where you live, because you think it's going to be a shorter commute time. Just make sure you check into that, look at appropriate hours or even ask someone in the local area to get a better idea of what your commute times would be from point a to point b.


Now, also when you're moving to Destin, please understand that you will never get bored here. So, if that's a concern, don't even worry about it. You have a family and they're into everyone's into different things. You'll be able to find something for everybody. There's so much to do here in the Destin area all throughout the year. So, Destin isn't all about just, you know, being out on the water or laying on the beach. There's lots of activities for younger children. There's water parks, there's arcades. There's well, arcades with a little pet pet golf. They have indoor activities such as Laser Tag, there's bowling. If you are one that likes to be out on the greens and like to play golf all day, then there's golf courses, there's Regatta Bay, the Kelly Plantation area. If you like to again, if you do actually like to be out in the water, there's lots of fishing charters available. You can take the family out on a cruise, you can go on a dolphin cruise, go on a pirate ship, or you can just rent some jet skis. There's also, you probably heard of Crab Island. You just want to actually get on a boat and just hang out in the middle of the water all day. That's another option as well. But again, just regardless of what you and your family likes, there's always going to be something to do on sunny days, rainy days, cold days, hot days. You'll never get bored in the Destin area.


However, if you do feel like you need to explore outside the Destin area just to see what else is out there, there's plenty of things to do outside of Destin. You can head up to Milton. That's in North Santa Rosa County and visit the Blackwater River, Blackwater River State Park. You can enjoy the nature trail or you can go tubing, kayaking, canoeing, go camping. If you would just want to spend a day out away from the beach, it's a whole another scenario out there. It's very beautiful, Blackwater river. Or you can shoot over to Pensacola, hang out downtown. Maybe do small shopping out that way or you can head the opposite direction and go to Panama City Beach. But again, there's so many different places to visit outside the Destin area. If you wanted to spend a day out and about or maybe do a bit of a staycation, and check out another area, not just camping, but actually, maybe book up condo or Airbnb at another location just to kind of feel like you're getting away, but you're still close to home.


And another thing you need to know because Destin is such an amazing area, beautiful beaches. You're probably going to have a lot of friends and family that's going to want to visit you. They might ask to stay with you. So, just make sure, I mean, hopefully, you actually like your friends and family for when they do come to visit, and they might eventually want to live here too. So again, we would love to help them too if they want to look at purchasing property or even investing in property. Maybe there's second home or vacation rental to use, occasionally for a personal use. But just expect a lot of people that's going to, all of a sudden want to come visit you all the time because you live in Destin Florida, and its amazing place to visit and eventually live in. I personally, I don't live in Destin. I've considered it. However, I'm a little closer to the Fort Walton Beach area. I like where I live because I'm centrally located, which is perfect for someone being active in real estate that would be being up Fort Walton Beach. I'm kind of centrally located to where I can just shoot up to Gulf Breeze, Navarre or up to Crestview, Milton, and I also go out to Destin Miramar Beach even as far as Panama City Beach. But again, even if you're in Destin, you're just in a great location to where you can head in whatever direction you need to go. It's great when you have family here because they can also experience some of the great things that you're able to experience as a resident here.

Well, that's all the information I am going to give you today guys. If you have any question or would like to know more, please feel free to call/text us at 850.320.7757 or email us at



Tim Whittemore

Team Lead | License ID: SL3354763

+1(850) 204-4416
